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  • Writer's picturePubg Radar

How do I stop playing PUBG?

My friends and I used to play PUBG everyday for a minimum of four hours. Even I was an addict for that matter. I'd even purchased Royal Pass for season 3. The day I left, I was an Ace. For those who don't know, Ace is the second highest rank on the game.

Thus I think I’m eligible to answer the question.

Addiction mostly relates to something which might cause harm. Although PUBG would cause you no harm, it would do you no good either.

Now that you've mentioned it as an addiction, to advice you to reduce game play would make no difference. PUBG, for most people, isn’t a game which they'll enjoy and play for a few minutes just for entertainment. It becomes top priority and you cannot think of anything else. With me, the last day I played PUBG was 20 days prior to my exams. Initially I planned that I would stop playing until my exams come to an end and was eagerly waiting for the last day. We'd planned that we would play continuously everday once we are done with the exams.

However, when I came home after my last paper, I somehow didn't feel like playing and thought I could do something productive. I realized, the time I spent playing was of no use and I might develop some other skill or basically just do anything which might at least give me some knowledge or help or whatever. I knew if I start playing again, I would again be in the same situation as earlier. Finally I decided, no more PUBG. Now it has been a month since I've played the game. And I haven't uninstalled it, I still have it on my device.

What I learnt was uninstalling the game isn't a solution. Engage yourself somewhere with something interesting and helpful. There are so many things you could spend time with, perhaps learn something online. Few days back, I read about an 18 year old boy who learnt Motion Graphics online and was earning some 15k per month doing freelancing. Try something, get yourself busy with it. Eventually, you would forget the game.

Don't uninstall the game. Once you overcome the addiction, someday when you look around and find PUBG icon on your screen, it will make you realize that it actually wasn't that tough! ;)

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