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  • Writer's picturePubg Radar

Why is the PUBG game so famous in the whole world?

Players Unknown Battle Ground (PUBG) was launched in December 2017 but it became more popular after April-May 2018. The reason is simple: precisely PUBG Mobile is more popular than PUBG.

Here are some factors:

PUBG being the parent game - PUBG mobile was derived from PUBG which was already loved by the gamers. It gave a perfect battlefield game without compromising on the graphics, gameplay and controls. It was quite similar.Completely free - PUBG was a paid game until it was launched for Android and it was kept completely free. Henceforth, the game became popular and top grossing in the Google playstore.Cheap and fast internet - If you carefully observe, people used to spend 1 GB of data per month. Now, Jio has made it possible to have 1–1.5 GB of data per day. Every other teenager has a smartphone and data loaded on his phone.In-game Discussions - The ability to conversing with the teammates while playing the game is one of the most loved features. A typical group of friends consists of 3–4 members and this game makes them possible to squad up and enjoy the game together while talking.Too easy to play - If you compare PUBG mobile to the real PUBG, it is very simple but with effective features. This enhances the confidence and boosts the interest of the player. Controls are well-organized.Trending - This is an important reason. Everyone is talking about PUBG nowadays. Every YouTuber is streaming the same game. Every corner is occupied by squads competing.

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